KEN Festival & Launching KEN 2024

Gambaran Umum Launching KEN 2024 merupakan sebuah kegiatan peluncuran 110 event pariwisata Indonesia yang telah terkurasi. Acara ini diselenggarakan Taman Min Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta, pada tanggal 27 Januari 2024. Acara ini terdiri dari :
  • KEN Festival yang dilaksanakan di Gedung Sasono Utomo pukul 10.00-18.00 WIB
  • Seremonial Launching KEN 2024 yang dilaksanakan di Gedung Langen Budoyo pukul 19.00-21.00 WIB.
  Tujuan Kegiatan
  • Meluncurkan dan mempromosikan 110 event KEN 2024 kepada stakeholder terkait (pemerintah pusat dan daerah, media, industri, serta masyarakat umum)
  • Mendukung peningkatan ekonomi lokal melalui penyelenggaraan event yang berkualitas dan berkelanjutan.
  Rangkaian Kegiatan KEN Festival KEN Festival turut dimeriahkan dan didukung oleh daerah. Sebanyak 12 provinsi turut berpartisipasi, dan 23 event yang terlibat, serta 7 mitra Kemenparekraf.  
  • Aktivasi kegiatan yang dikelompokkan dalam 5 zona KEN, dgn partisipasi dari daerah yang merupakan perwakilan event KEN 2024 :
  1. Zona Musik:
    • Aceh Perkusi
    • Solo Keroncong Festival
    • Samosir Music International
  2. Zona Kuliner:
    • Pasar Sentiling by Festival Kota Lama Semarang
    • Batam Wonderfood Art Ramadhan
    • Jakarta Dessert Week
    • Gerai Durian by Festival Teluk Tomini
  3. Zona Budaya
    • Seba Baduy
    • Festival Danau Poso
    • Festival Gandrung Sewu
    • Festival Babukung
    • Timika Inside Festival of Art (TIFA)
    • Festival Pesona Minangkabau
    • Festival Asmat Pokman
  4. Zona Seni
    • Festival Semarapura
    • Festival Ronthek Pacitan
    • East Java Fashion Harmony
    • Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD)
  5. Zona Karnaval
    • Sawahlunto International Songket Silungkang Carnival (SISSCa)
    • Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC)
    • Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival (BEC)
    • Festival Teluk Tomini
    • Tomohon International Flower Festival
    • Gorontalo Karnaval Karawo
  • Kids Zone by Bank Mandiri
  • UMKM Fashion dan Kriya dari : Festival Semarapura dan 6 UMKM Binaan Bank Mandiri
  • Booth Marketplace yang di isi oleh Mitra Kemenparekraf :
  1. Grab Indonesia
  2. Citilink
  4. Atourin
  5. Mister Aladin
  • Penampilan Bintang Tamu (Ambyar People, Diskopantera, For Revenge)
  Seremonial Launching KEN 2024
  • Seremonial pembukaan oleh MC, informasi mengenai KEN, dilanjutkan menyanyikan Indonesia Raya
  • Opening Video Indonesian Culture dgn VO Pertunjukan Budaya Nusantara
  • Tari Kontemporer dengan iringan lagu2 nusantara dengan latar video kaledoskop KEN
  • Penampilan dari Nowela yang diiringi talent dari perwakilan event KEN 2024 (SISSCa, JFC, BEC, Festival Gandrung Sewu, Barong by Festival Semarapura, Festival Babukung)
  • Penampilan Project Pop dengan lagu "Goyang Duyu" dan "Dangdut is the music of my countru"
  • Penayangan Taping Sambutan Mendikbudristek RI
  • Sambutan Menparekraf RI
  • Penayangan Taping Sambutan Presiden RI
  • Seremonial Peluncuran KEN 2024, dengan meluncurkan anak panah pada layar, oleh :
  1. Menparekraf RI
  2. Wakil Ketua Komisi X DPR RI
  3. Sekretaris Jenderal Kemendagri RI
  4. Staf Ahli Bidang Ekonomi Maritim, Kemenkomarvest RI
  5. Direktur Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Kebudayaan, Ditjen Kebudayaan, Kemendikbudristek RI
  6. Deputi Bidang Koordinator Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Kemenkomarvest RI
  7. Deputi Bidang Produk Wisata dan Penyelenggara Kegiatan (Events), Kemenparekraf RI
  • Penayangan Video 110 KEN 2024
  • Diakhiri dengan lagu penutup dari Project Pop
Data Capaian Event
  • Sebanyak 23 Event KEN 2024 berpartisipasi dalam KEN Festival dan melibatkan 246 orang talent
  • Total ada 224 orang pekerja yang terlibat dalam KEN Festival dan Seremonial Launching KEN 2024
  • Terdapat 345 undangan dari 38 provinsi, kabupaten/kota, mitra, asosiasi dan internal Kemenparekraf yang menghadiri Seremonial Launching KEN 2024
  • Jumlah pengunjung KEN Festival sebanyak 8.575 orang pengunjung dengan rincian:
78% hadir di pagi hari (10.00-12.00 WIB) 47% hadir di siang hari (12.00-17.00 WIB), dan 75% hadir di malam hari (17.00-19.00 WIB).
  • Jumlah transaksi QRIS Bank Mandiri sebanyak 1.587 transaksi dengan nominal Rp 106.729.250,00 dari 19 tenant. Adapun rincian transaksi sbb:
1.  10 tenant UMKM Pasar Sentiling
  • Transaksi: 1.405
  • Nominal: Rp 81.910.000,00
2.  1 tenant Durian by Festival Teluk Tomini
  • Transaksi: 33
  • Nominal: Rp 6.735.250,00
3.  Teh dan Kopi Tarik by Batam Wonderfood Art Ramadhan
  • Transaksi: 117
  • Nominal: Rp 8.053.500,00
4.  7 UMKM Fashion dan Kriya
  • Transaksi: 32
  • Nominal: Rp 10.030.500,00
  Kesimpulan & Evaluasi Kurangnya manajemen resiko dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan KEN Festival dan Seremonial Launching KEN untuk mengantisipasi kondisi di luar kendali seperti terkait cuaca (hujan), rendahnya kualitas sound system di area indoor KEN Festival (Zona dalam), dan rendahnya kualitas jaringan internet di lokasi kegiatan yang menghambat proses Live Streaming Seremonial Launching KEN.   Rekomendasi Untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan perlu dibuatkan manajemen resiko yang rinci sehingga dapat mengantisipasi kondisi di luar kendali.     ENGLISH TRANSLATION General Overview The 2024 KEN (Karisma Event Nusantara) Launch is a ceremony that inaugurated 110 leading tourism events in Indonesia, selected after a strict curation process. This event was held at Taman Min Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta, on January 27 2024. Two occasions were held consecutively on this proceeding:
  • The KEN Festival held in the Sasono Utomo Hall at 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM
  • The 2024 KEN Launch Ceremony held in the Sasono Langen Budoyo Hall at 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM.  
  Event Objectives
  • To launch the 110 events selected in the 2024 KEN and promote these events to relevant stakeholders (central and regional governments, the media, industries, and the general public).
  • To support local economic improvement efforts by organizing quality and sustainable tourism events.
  Event Rundown ✅ The KEN Festival  The Festival was enlivened and supported by regional representatives. A total of 12 provinces participated in the event, as well as 23 regional events and 7 partner entities of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MoTCE).  
  • Festival activities were classified into 5 zones, showcasing regional representatives of the 2024 KEN events: 
1.  Music Zone 
  • Aceh Percussion
  • Solo Keroncong Festival
  • Samosir Music International
2.  Culinary Zone
  • Sentiling Market by Semarang Old Town Festival
  • Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan
  • Jakarta Dessert Week
  • Gerai Durian (Durian Shop) by Tomini Gulf Festival
3.  Culture Zone
  • Seba Baduy (Baduy Tribe Offering Ritual)
  • Lake Poso Festival
  • Gandrung Sewu (Thousand Gandrung Dance) Festival
  • Babukung Festival
  • Timika Inside Festival of Art (TIFA)
  • Minangkabau’s Allure Festival
  • Asmat Pokman (Handicraft) Festival
4.  Art Zone
  • Semarapura Festival
  • Ronthek Pacitan Festival
  • East Java Fashion Harmony
  • Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD)
5.  Carnival Zone
  • Sawahlunto International Songket Silungkang Carnival (SISSCa)
  • Jember Fashion Carnival (JFC)
  • Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival (BEC)
  • Tomini Gulf Festival
  • Tomohon International Flower Festival
  • Gorontalo Karawo Carnival
  • Kids Zone by Bank Mandiri
  • MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) booths from the fashion and handicraft sectors: the Semarapura Festival booth and 6 MSME partners of Bank Mandiri
  • Marketplace Booths operated by MoTCE partners:  
  1. Grab Indonesia, 
  2. Citilink
  4. Atourin, 
  5. Mister Aladin, 
  • Guest star performances (Ambyar People, Diskopantera, For Revenge)
  ✅ The 2024 KEN Launch Ceremony rundown
  • A welcome address by MC, presentation of KEN-related information, followed by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya.
  • An opening video entitled “Indonesian Culture” accompanied by the “Nusantara Culture Show” narrative.
  • A contemporary dance featuring Indonesian songs over the KEN kaleidoscope video backdrop.
  • A performance by Nowela featuring talents from 2024 KEN regional representatives (SISSCa, JFC, BEC, Gandrung Sewu Festival, Barong by Semarapura Festival, Babukung Festival)
  • A performance by Project Pop, delivering two songs: “Goyang Duyu” and "Dangdut is the Music of My Country"
  • Video address by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
  • Address by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
  • Video address by the President of the Republic of Indonesia
  • The 2024 KEN Launch Ceremony, symbolized by a launch of an arrow via digital animation, jointly-performed by:
  1. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy
  2. Vice Chairman of the 10th Commission of the Indonesian House of Representatives
  3. Secretary General of the Ministry of Trade
  4. Maritime Economy Advisor to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs
  5. Director of Cultural Development and Utilization, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
  6. Deputy for Coordination of Tourism and Creative Economy, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs
  7. Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organization, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
  • Video presentation highlighting 110 events in KEN 2024
  • A closing song by Project Pop
  Event Attainment Data
  • A total of 23 events of KEN 2024 had participated in the KEN Festival, featuring 246 talents.
  • A total of 224 human resources had been commissioned in the 2024 KEN Festival and Launch Ceremony.
  • A total of 345 invitees from 38 provinces, regencies/cities, partner entities, associations, and MoTCE subsidiaries attended the 2024 KEN Launch Ceremony.
  • The KEN Festival had attracted a total of 8,575 visitors, detailed below based on timeline:
7.78% visits in the morning (10:00 AM-12:00 PM) 66.47% visits in the afternoon (12:00 PM-17:00 PM), and 25.75% visits in the evening (17:00 PM-19.00 PM).
  • A total of 1,587 purchase transactions via Bank Mandiri QRIS (QR-code Indonesian Standard - a QR code-based electronic payment method) had been recorded, in the amount of IDR 106,729,250.00 from 19 tenants. The following is a breakdown of the transactions:
1.  10 MSME’s from the Sentiling Market
  • Number of transactions: 1,405
  • Amount: IDR 81,910,000.00
2.  Durian Shop by Tomini Gulf Festival
  • Number of transactions: 33
  • Amount: Rp 6,735,250.00
3.  High-Pour Coffee and Tea by Batam Wonderfood Art Ramadhan 
  • Number of transactions: 117
  • Amount: Rp 8,053,500.00
4.  7 Fashion and handicraft MSME’s
  • Number of transactions: 32
  • Amount: Rp 10,030,500.00
  Conclusion & Evaluation A number of issues have been identified in the organization of the 2024 KEN Festival and Launch Ceremony; namely the lack of a risk-management scheme in order to anticipate force majeure discrepancies such as weather change (i.e. rain); a substandard quality of indoor sound system in the KEN Festival area (Inner Zone); and a substandard internet access quality in the overall event venue, hindering the Live Stream of the KEN Launch Ceremony.   Recommendations For future event organizing, a set of risk-management schemes is imperative in order to anticipate force majeure discrepancies.
Vitria Narwastu

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