March 1, 2024

Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang 2024

Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang 2024 diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10 - 24 Februari 2024, di Kota Singkawang, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Gambaran Umum
  • Festival Cap Go Meh diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Singkawang dalam rangka puncak perayaan Imlek di Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat. Festival ini telah diselenggarakan sejak tahun 2008 dan tahun ini merupakan penyelenggaraan event yang ke-14.
  • Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang 2024 diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10 - 24 Februari 2024, di Kota Singkawang, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, merupakan salah satu dari Top10 KEN 2024.
  • Rangkaian kegiatan meliputi hias kota, bazar kuliner, festival lampion, lelang, ritual Cuci Jalan (Tolak Bala), serta seremonial puncak.
  Rangkaian event:
  • 10 - 24 Februari 2024
Rangkaian event: hias kota  
  • 22 - 23 Februari 2024
Rangkaian event:
  • Ritual Cuci Jalan, di Vihara Tri Dharma Bumi Raya (Tua), Pekong

Ratusan tatung melakukan ritual cuci jalan untuk Tolak Bala, di Vihara Tri Dharma Bumi Raya menyambut Cap Go Meh tanda berakhirnya tahun baru Imlek. Tatung atau manusia yang raganya dijadikan sarana berkomunikasi oleh roh dewa atau leluhur melalui mantra dan mudra. Tatung dari berbagai kelenteng di Kota Singkawang dan sekitarnya tersebut menggelar ritual "cuci jalan" di Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat. Ritus yang sarat dengan tradisi dan budaya masyarakat Tionghoa ini dilaksanakan selama 2 hari, sebagai tanda berakhirnya seluruh rangkaian kegiatan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek 2575 Kongzili.

  • Bazaar Kuliner
  • Sabtu, 24 Februari 2024
Rangkaian event: 1)  Bazaar Kuliner 2)  Seremonial Puncak Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang 2024, di Vihara Tri Dharma Bumi Raya (Sui Kheu Thai Pak Kung), Jalan Sanggau Kulor - Kota Singkawang, 10.45 - 12.15 WIB   Dihadiri oleh:
  1. Gubernur Kalimantan Barat, Bapak Harisson;
  2. Wali Kota Singkawang, Bapak Sumastro;
  3. Kepala Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Prov. Kalbar, Ibu N.A Anggini Sari;
  4. Deputi Kepala Kantor Perwakilan BI Kalbar Bapak Abidin Abdul Haris;
  5. Deputi Kepala Kantor Perwakilan BI Kalbar Bapak David Sipahutar;
  6. Para Direktur/Pejabat dari berbagai Kedeputian (D1, D3, D5, D6) Kemenparekraf;
  7. Direktur Utama Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Barat, Bapak Rokidi, S.E, M.M;
  8. Kepala Dinas Kepemudaan Olahraga dan Pariwisata Provinsi Kalimantan Barat/Ketua PKK & Dekranasda Prov. Kalbar, Ibu Windy Prihastari;
  9. Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga Kota Singkawang, Bapak Heri Apriadi;
  10. Kepala Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Ibu Rini Kurnia Solihat
  11. Direktur Utama KAI Wisata, Bapak Hendy Helmy
  12. Direktur Operasional KAI Wisata, Bapak Wawan Ariyanto
  13. Para peserta Rakornas Pemasaran Pariwisata dari Dinas Pariwisata seluruh Provinisi di Indonesia;
  14. Kabinda Kalbar Brigjen Pol. Heru Trenggono
  15. Dirpamovit Polda Kalbar (Selaku Karendalopsda Liong Kapuas 2024)
  16. Kapolres Singkawang AKBP Fatchur Rochman, S.I.K., M.I.K.
  17. Dandim 1202 Letkol INF Ferdy Pungsamma Raja
  18. Kajari Singkawang
  19. Perwakilan dari Pemerintah Kota Surakarta;
  20. Peserta Famtrip Alumni Fakultas Kedokteran UNSRI Angkatan 85
  21. Pejabat tinggi dari kapal api dan redbull
  Rangkaian acara:
  • Penyambutan tamu VVIP oleh Pj Wali Kota Singkawang, dengan pengalungan syal dan pertunjukan Liong dan Barongsai, serta penyalaan petasan.
  • Menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan "Indonesia Raya"
  • Pertunjukan Liong dan Barongsai yang merupakan lambang dari kepercayaan masyarakat Tionghoa.nBarongsai diyakini sebagai pertanda kesuksesan, keberuntungan dan pengusir hal-hal buruk.
  • Sambutan Ketua Umum Panitia Cap Go Meh 2024 Kota Singkawang, Ibu Mimihetty Layani, menyampaikan bahwa;

Penyelenggaraan Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang tahun 2024 ini digelar dengan sederhana, tidak seperti tahun sebelumnya, tidak ada daya tarik utama yaitu arak-arakan Tatung, dikarenakan berdekatan waktunya dengan Pemilu, mengikuti imbauan Bawaslu untuk menghindari keramaian.

  • Penampilan tari kolosal NKRI
  • Sambutan Pj Wali Kota Singkawang, Bapak Drs. H. Sumastro, M.Si.
  • Menyampaikan aspirasi agar perayaan cap go meh nasional bisa dipusatkan do singkawang, mohon Pak Pj Gubernur bisa mendukung
  • Melaporkan bahwa pada tahun 2023 kunjungan wisatawan pada Festival Cap Go Meh di Singkawang sebanyak 1,6 juta wisatawan
  • Pada tahun 2020 Festival Cap Go Meh di Singkawang dan Tatung Singkawang telah diakui sebagai warisan budaya tak benda (WBTB) dari Kemendikbudristek, tinggal kemudian melestarikan dan mempromosikan di dunia internasional.
  • Sambutan Kemenparekraf yang diwakili oleh Deputi bidang pengembangan destinasi dan infrastruktur kementerian pariwisata ekonomi kreatif RI, Bpk Haryanto, S.Sos., M.M.
  • Apreasiasi ada 2 event Kalbar yang masuk KEN 2024, salah satunya Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang terpilih menjadi salah satu dari Top10 KEN 2024.
  • Mendukung aspirasi yang disampaikan Pj. Wali Kota Singkawang, untuk itu perlu upaya peningkatan kualitas penyelenggaraan dan pengembangan konsep event agar semakin menarik.
  • Peresmian dengan ditandai dengan pemukulan gendang Lo Ku oleh tamu-tamu VVIP
  • Penampilan Liong
  • Penampilan tatung dari berbagai kelenteng/vihara di Kota Singkawang dan sekitarnya
  Promosi publikasi
  • Takkshow event Cap Go Meh Singkawang di RRI
  • OOH: Baliho, spanduk, dan umbul-umbul di segala penjuru Kota Singkawang
  • Publikasi di media sosial
  • Peliputan event Cap Go Meh Singkawang di berbagai media online
Bentuk Dukungan
  • Publikasi di own media Kemenparekraf (web, media sosial, LED, videotron)
  • Promosi di RRI
  • Sarana prasarana
  Evaluasi & kesimpulan:
  • Koordinasi dengan Disporapar Kab. Singkawang baik dan lancar
  • Pelaksanaan Acara (Kesesuaian Konsep, Konsistensi Pelaksanaan, Operasional dan Mitigasi)
    1. Terdapat penjagaan dari Kepolisian & TNI selama penyelenggaraan.
    2. Belum ada solusi masalah pengaturan lalu lintas selama penyelenggaraan event, Sehingga akses menuju kokasi acara puncak mengalami kemacetan.
    3. Masih perlu pengaturan event management dan crowd control sehingga pelaksanaan event dapat berjalan lebih lancar.
    4. Promosi masih berpusat di wilayah Singkawang, OOH hanya di wilayah Kota Singkawang, belum terlihat materi promosi di wilayah kota/kabupaten sekitar, mungkin mempertimbangkan acara yang dilaksanakan di tahun ini dibuat lebih sederhana. Tidak ada signage di sekitar lokasi event.
  • Inovasi dan Kreatifitas (Dekorasi, Konten, Venue, Bedanya dengan acara sebelumnya)
    1. Konsep event dan konten kurang lebih sama tiap tahun. Kurang adanya adanya inovasi dan kreativitas.
    2. Dekorasi menggunakan pemandangan vihara sebagai latar belakang acara seremonial, praktis mengangkat konten dan kelokalan. Hias kota juga sangat baik dan mendukung suasana festive.
    3. Seremonial efektif dan efisien, padat kontennya, dan tidak bertele-tele. Durasi dan slot untuk sambutan sudah cukup/tidak terlalu panjang/banyak sehingga pengunjung bisa fokus menikmati pertunjukan.
    4. Penampilan hiburan mengangkat nilai kebangsaan sekaligus kedaerahan.
    5. Acara masih belum dilaksanakan tepat waktu, Terlambat lebih dari 1,5 jam dari rencana, karena menunggu kehadiran Pejabat yang terjebak kemacetan ke lokasi.
  • Amenitas dan Aksesibilitas Partisipasi UMKM
    1. Amenitas tersedia cukup, namun setiap Imlek/Cap Go Meh tarifnya naik drastis berkali lipat.
    2. Aksesibilitas jarak sekitar 150 km dari Pontianak/bandara Supadio, membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 4 jam menggunakan transportasi darat. Bandara Singkawang sudah hampir siap digunakan di tahun 2024 ini.
    3. Ekraf banyak di bagian dekorasi di segala penjuru Kota Singkawang, serta kostum dan aksesori pendukung acara.
    4. Partisipasi UMKM ada, di Bazaar Kuliner, banyak menu khas Tionghoa dan juga makanan kekinian.
  Secara umum Festival Cap Go Meh Singkawang 2024 telah terselenggara dengan baik, namun perlu pengembangan konten rangkaian eventnya. Konten utama event terbukti mampu menarik wisatawan luar daerah apalagi luar negeri untuk mengunjungi event ini.   ENGLISH TRANSLATION Singkawang Cap Gomeh Festival was held from February 10th to 24th, 2024 in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan Province. It is one of the events selected into the 2024 Karisma Event Nusantara(KEN).   General Overview
  • The Cap Go Meh Festival was organized by the Singkawang Municipality in celebrating Chinese New Year in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan Province. This festival has been held annually since 2008, and this year was its 14th
  • The Festival was held on February 10 to February 24, 2024; and it is one of KEN 2024 Top Ten events.
  • The event comprises of the city-makeover activity, culinary bazaar, lantern festival, auctioning, the Road Wash ritual (a bad-omen repelling ritual), and the main ceremony.
  Event Timeline
  • February 10 – 24, 2024
Event: City Makeover
  • February 22 – 23, 2024
  1. Road Wash Ritual, performed in the Tri Dharma Bumi RayaTemple, Pekong.

Hundreds of Tatung (shamans) performed the Road Wash Ritual to repel bad omens in the Tri Dharma Bumi Raya Temple to welcome the Cap Go Meh (the 15th night), signaling the end of the Chinese New Year celebration. The Tatung, a shaman whose body is believed to be a vessel to host spirits of the gods or ancestors, communicates with the spirits through spells and mudra (ritual movements performed as cleansing). These shamans from various temples throughout Singkawang and nearby cities performed the Road Wash Ritual, a ritual rich in Chinese ethnic traditions and culture, for two days; to signal the end of the series of celebrations of the 2575 Chinese New Year.

  1. Culinary Bazaar
  • Saturday, February 24, 2024
  1. Culinary Bazaar
  2. Main Ceremony of the 2024 Singkawang Cap Go Meh Festival, held in the Tri Dharma Bumi Raya (Sui Kheu Thai Pak Kung) Temple, at Sanggau Kulor Street, Singkawang City, from 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM Western Indonesian Time.
  Event attended by:
  1. Acting Governor of West Kalimantan Province, Mr. Harisson;
  2. Acting Mayor of Singkawang, Mr. Sumastro;
  3. Chairman of the Indonesian Central Bank (BI) Representative for West Kalimantan Province, Mrs. N.A Anggini Sari;
  4. Deputy Chairman of BI Representative for West Kalimantan Province, Mr. Abidin Abdul Haris;
  5. Deputy Chairman of BI Representative for West Kalimantan Province, Mr. David Sipahutar;
  6. Directors and officials of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MoTCE);
  7. President Director of the West Kalimantan Development Bank, Mr. Rokidi, S.E, M.M;
  8. Head of the West Kalimantan Provincial Office for Youth, Sports, and Tourism /Chairman of the West Kalimantan Provincial Family Welfare Movement (PKK) /Chairman of the West Kalimantan Provincial Crafts Council (Dekranasda), Mrs. Windy Prihastari;
  9. Head of the Singkawang Municipal Office for Tourism, Youth, and Sports, Mr. Heri Apriadi;
  10. Head of the Kubu Raya Regency Office for Youth, Sports, and Tourism, Mrs. Rini Kurnia Solihat
  11. President Director of Indonesian Tourism Trains Company (KAI), Mr. Hendy Helmy
  12. Operational Director of Indonesian Tourism Trains Company, Mr. Wawan Ariyanto
  13. Representatives of Provincial Tourism Offices from all over Indonesia;
  14. Chief of Regional Intelligence Office for West Kalimantan, Police Brig. Gen. Heru Trenggono
  15. Director for Vital Object Security of the West Kalimantan Police
  16. Singkawang Chief of Regional Police, Pol. Ch. Comm’r Adj. Fatchur Rochman, S.I.K., M.I.K.
  17. Commander of the 1202nd District Military, Let. Col. INF Ferdy Pungsamma Raja
  18. Head of Singkawang District Attorney’s Office
  19. Representatives from the Surakarta Municipality;
  20. Famtrip (familiarization trip) Participants from Alumni of Sriwijaya University Faculty of Medicine Year 85
  21. Officials from Kapal Api (a leading coffee brand) and Redbull corporations
  • Welcoming ceremony of VVIP guests by Acting Mayor of Singkawang, by adorning them with scarves, accompanied with a lion dance performance and firecrackers.
  • Singing the National Anthem Indonesia Raya
  • Lion dance performance, as a symbol of the Chinese community’s beliefs. The Barongsai is believed as a token of success, good luck, and repellant of bad omens.
  • An address by the Chairwoman of the 2024 Singkawang Cap Gomeh Committee, Mrs. Mimihetty Layani, who remarked as follows:

“This year’s Singkawang Cap Gomeh Festival is held with simplicity. Unlike the previous years, we no longer display our main attraction, the Tatung Parade. This is due to the restrictions placed on this event by the General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), as we are now in the week preceding the Election, and must adhere to the regulations that restrict mass-gatherings during this period.”

  • The NKRI Colossal Dance : a dance showcasing patriotism to the Republic of Indonesia.
  • An address by the Acting Mayor of Singkawang, Mr. Drs. H. Sumastro, M.Si.:
    • The Acting Mayor expressed his aspiration that the National Cap Go Meh celebration could be held in Singkawang, and requested the Acting Governor’s support.
    • In 2023, the Singkawang Cap Go Meh Festival recorded 1.6 million tourist visits.
    • In 2020, the Singkawang Cap Gomeh Festival and the Singkawang Tatung had been recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritages by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology; thus the mission now is to promote these attractions to international tourists.
  • An address by the MoTCE, represented by Deputy for Destination Development and Infrastructure, Haryanto, S.Sos., M.M.
    • The MoTCE extends our appreciation for two events in West Kalimantan that has passed the rigorous selection into KEN 2024, one of which is the Singkawang Cap Go Meh Festival that has even won the prestigious placement of Top Ten KEN 2024.
    • We support the Acting Mayor of Singkawang’s aspiration, and for that you should endeavor to improve the quality of this event, and further develop the concepts showcased therein so as to render the event even more attractive.
  • Opening Procession of beating the Lo Ku drums, performed by VVIP guests.
  • Lion dance performance
  • Tatung performance from various temples in Singkawang and neighboring cities.
  Publication Promotion
  • Singkawang Cap Go Meh Talkshow, aired on RRI (state-owned Radio of the Republic of Indonesia)
  • Out-of-Home (OoH) promotion media: Billboards, banners, and pole banners stationed throughout Singkawang City.
  • Social media publications
  • Media coverage of the event on a variety of online media
  Form of Support Given by MoTCE
  • Publications on MoTCE-owned media (website, social media channels, LED screen, Videotron)
  • Promotions on RRI Radio
  • Infrastructure
  Event Attainment Data
  • Number of visits: 496 people
  • Number of Artists/Performers: 412 people
  • Number of Workers: 430 people
  • Number of MSME participants: 215 MSME’s
  • Transaction Value:  IDR 14,740,850,000
Data source: Singkawang Municipal Office for Tourism, Youth, and Sports   Evaluation and Conclusion
  1. Communications with Singkawang Municipal Office of Tourism have been well-organized and unhindered.
  2. Event Execution (Conceptual Relevance, Consistency of Execution, Operationals, and Mitigations)
    • Adequate security by the Police and Army forces during the event.
    • No solution provided for traffic control issues during the event, leaving gridlocks in the access roads into the main event venue.
    • Much room for improvement in the event-management and crowd-control in order to ensure the event runs more efficiently.
    • Promotions were still focused in Singkawang’s vicinity, OoH materials were only placed within the city. No promotion materials were placed in nearby cities/regencies, possibly considering the restriction in effect on this year’s event. No signage was sighted around the event venue.
  1. Innovation and Creativity (Decoration, Content, Venue, Improvements from previous years)
    • The concepts and content were relatively similar to previous years’ settings, lacking in innovation and creativity.
    • The decoration utilized the view of the Temple as a natural backdrop of the ceremony, practical and highlighting local content. The city’s makeover was also well done and consistent with the festive atmosphere.
    • The ceremonies were effective and efficient, the contents were compact and uncomplicated. Durations and slots for speeches were adequate, not too long nor too many, thus facilitating the audience’s enjoyment of the attractions.
    • Stage performances adequately showcased national values as well as local wisdom.
    • Lack of punctuality; the event was 1.5 hours late, due to late arrivals of government officials who had been caught in traffic jams on the way to the venue.
  1. Amenities and Accessibility for MSME Participants
    1. Amenities were adequate, yet the tariffs drastically increased several folds compared to previous years.
    2. Accessibility: the distance to the venue was 150 kilometers from the Supadio airport in Pontianak, taking more than four hours on cars. The Singkawang airport is closer but not yet ready for use this year.
    3. Forms of creative economy were found in the city decorations all around Singkawang, as well as in the costumes and accessories of stage performers.
    4. MSME participations were centered in the Culinary Bazaar, dominated by Chinese cuisine and modern dishes.
  In general, the 2024 Singkawang Cap Go Meh Festival has been well organized. However, its content development needs to improve. The main event’s content has proven to be most effective in attracting domestic and foreign tourists to visit this event.
Vitria Narwastu

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