May 22, 2024

Festival Bale Nagi 2024

Festival Bale Nagi 2024 yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 - 6 April 2024 di Taman Kota Felix Fernandez, Kota Larantuka, Kabupaten Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur.   Gambaran Umum Festival Bale Nagi 2024
  • Festival Bale Nagi merupakan event yang terlahir dari tradisi pulang kampung (bale nagi) pada momen Semana Santa, sebuah ritus keagamaan yang unik dan mendunia. Festival ini telah menjadi wadah silaturahmi bagi seluruh warga Kabupaten Flores Timur, baik yang berasal dari suku asli Kota Larantuka maupun suku-suku pendatang yang mendiami Kabupaten Flores Timur.
  • Tahun ini, Festival Bale Nagi kembali terpilih sebagai salah satu 110 Karisma Event Nusantara (KEN) 2024. Event ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan tradisi bale nagi (pulang kampung) sebagai peristiwa budaya yang memiliki daya tarik wisata.
  • Festival Bale Nagi 2024 memiliki rangkaian kegiatan sebagai berikut: Pameran Ekraf, Karnaval Budaya, Pagelaran Seni Budaya, Seminar terkait Tokoh Herman Fernandez, serta kegiatan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan lingkungan.
  Rangkaian Kegiatan Festival Bale Nagi 2024 đź”´ Hari Ke-1 (Selasa, 2 April 2024) - Opening Ceremony Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh:
  1. Bupati Flores Timur, Bapak Doris Alexander Rihi;
  2. Bupati Lembata, Bapak Matheos Tan;
  3. Uskup Keuskupan Larantuka, Mgr. Fransiskus Kopong Kung;
  4. Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif NTT, Bapak Noldy Hosea Pellokila;
  5. Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Flores Timur, Bapak Servulus Demour;
  6. OPD dan Unsur Forkopimda Kabupaten Flores Timur;
  7. Direktur Pemasaran Badan Pelaksana Otorita Labuan Bajo Flores, Ibu Raisa Lestari Niloperbowo.
  • Pameran Ekfraf
Peserta Pameran Ekraf berjumlah 100 pelaku ekraf yang berasal dari sekitar Kabupaten Flores Timur dan Provinsi NTT.
  • Karnaval Budaya
Proses Karnaval Budaya diiringi oleh Paduan Suara SMA PGRI Larantuka.
  • Pembukaan oleh MC
  • Pembacaan Doa
  • Sambutan Pj. Bupati Flores Timur, Bapak Doris Alexander Rihi
  • Event Semana Santa dan Festival Bale Nagi merupakan suatu pencapaian Flores Timur karena melalui event-event tersebut, daerah ini mampu mempertahankan budaya dan warisan leluhur.
  • Pemerintah Kabupaten Flores Timur akan terus berusaha mewujudkan masyarakat Flores Timur yang sejahtera melalui penyelenggaraan event yang berkualitas, seperti Semana Santa dan Festival Bale Nagi.
  • Apresiasi bagi Kemenparekraf dan seluruh pihak yang telah berkolaborasi untuk menyelenggarakan Semana Santa, sehingga event tersebut dapat berjalan lancar.
  • Sambutan Perwakilan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Deputi Bidang Produk Wisata dan Penyelenggara Kegiatan, Bapak Vinsensius Jemadu
  • Event yang termasuk dalam KEN telah dipilih dan dikurasi secara profesional, maka kita patut bersyukur Festival Bale Nagi masuk dalam KEN 2024 dan harus ditingkatkan kualitas eventnya setiap tahun.
  • Masyarakat NTT sangat kreatif dalam menciptakan event-event berkualitas karena terdapat 5 KEN 2024 di Provinsi NTT. Penyelenggaraan event-event tersebut akan memberikan dampak positif bagi para pelaku ekraf serta memberikan efek domino bagi masyarakat NTT.
  • Selain kualitas pelaksanaan event, kita jangan melupakan dampak penyelenggaraan event bagi lingkungan. Apresiasi bagi Festival Bale Nagi, karena event ini melibatkan kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan melalui Tanam Pohon, Workshop Kreasi Sampah, dan Gerekan BISA.
  • Prosesi Pembukaan Festival Bale Nagi 2024
Prosesi pembukaan diikuti oleh para tamu undangan dengan melakukan Ritus Api oleh Komunitas Adat Mudakeputu dan Ritus Pohon dari Desa Wisata Waibao.
  • Hiburan-hiburan
  • Penampilan Petrus Pedo Riberu membawakan Lagu Bale Nagi.
  • Tari Massal Roja oleh para siswa SMPN 2 Larantuka.
  • Atraksi Wede oleh Desa Wisata Riangbaring.
  • Penampilan Musik Tatong oleh Komunitas Etnik Kendang.
  • Teater Pohon: Hutanmu, Hutanku, Hutan Kita Semua oleh BSM Suradewa - Rumah Rindu Pancamarga.
  • Tari Lebe dan Dolo-dolo oleh Desa Wisata Adobala.
  đź”´ Hari Ke-2 (Rabu, 3 April 2024)
  • Pameran Ekfraf
  • Bersih dan Hijau Nagi
Penanaman Pohon Endemik Flores Timur.
  • Seminar: Pahlawan Herman Fernandez
Herman Fernandez merupakan tokoh pahlawan kemerdekaan asal Flores Timur. Pemerintah Flores Timur sedang berusaha mengajukan Herman Fernandez sebagai Pahlawan Nasional. Seminar dilaksanakan di Gedung OMK (Convention Hall), Larantuka.
  • Lomba Melukis “Pohon Kota”
  • Penampilan Atraksi Budaya
  • Musik Dolo oleh SD Niwak Adonara.
  • Tari Lia Nama oleh Komunitas Nubun Tawa Beloaja.
  • Lagu Mogi oleh SMP Mater Inviolata.
  • Isidorus Band oleh SMPK St. Isidorus Lewotala.
  • Tari Soka Selen oleh SMAK Frateran Podor.
  • Tari Ua oleh Desa Helanlangowuyo.
  • Teater Herman Fernandez oleh SMAK St. Fransiskus Asisi
  • Hiburan Band
Penampilan Rhytm Black Pearls dan Burn On Band.   đź”´ Hari Ke-3 (Kamis, 4 April 2024)
  • Pameran Ekfraf
  • Fun Snorkeling: Pemungutan Sampah Plastik di Laut & Konservasi Terumbu Karang
  • Workshop Kreasi Sampah
  • Atraksi Budaya
Penampilan: Musik Ansambel, Rindu Bale, dan Tari Pute Ture.
  • Talkshow: Kota dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau
  • Teater Perempuan Mahar Gading
  • Hiburan -hiburan
Penampilan: Kasta Band, Paguyuban Rote, Sendratari Tina Le, dan D’Chonyol Band.   đź”´ Hari Ke-4 (Jumat, 5 April 2024)
  • Pameran Ekfraf
  • Larantuka Colour Fun Run
  • Workshop Bonsai
  • Sajian Kala Gare dan Bale Nagi
  • Talkshow oleh Komunitas Hijau
  • Hiburan dan Atraksi Budaya
Penampilan: Stand Up Comedy oleh Indo Maumere, Medley Lamaholot Song, Tari Nong Mari Nong, Tari Siling, Tari Lusi, Teater Perempuan Lamaholot Menenun Hidup Bermahar Gading, Okulele Irama Ile Mandiri (IRIMA), Sendratari Tonu Wujo, Lenggang Lamaholot, Skankin Band.   đź”´ Hari Ke-5 (Sabtu, 6 April)
  • Pameran Ekfraf
  • Gerakan BISA
  • Duathlon
  • Workshop Krealogi
  • Hiburan dan Atraksi Budaya
Penampilan: Tari Kahe Keang, Rapper Black Face, Tari Tandak Namang, Fashion Show Tenun Ikat, Fashion Show Kota Reinha, The Beurecrats Band, Tari Punjari Kreasi, HipHop Lembata Foundation.   Beberapa promosi yang telah dilakukan oleh penyelenggara, antara lain:
  • Offline
    • Penempatan banner dan baliho di beberapa titik jalan Kota Larantuka dan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan ferry di wilayah provinsi NTT.
    • Penayangan video promosi FBN di videotron kantor ASDP provinsi NTT
  • Online
    • Live Streaming Youtube Festival Bale Nagi 2024. Link:
    • Facebook Disparbud Flores Timur. Link:
    • Instagram Disparbud Flores Timur. Link :
  Kesimpulan dan Evaluasi Kegiatan
  1. Festival Bale Nagi 2024 diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Flores Timur, melalui Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Flores Timur. Event ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan tradisi Bale Nagi (Pulang Kampung) yang memiliki daya tarik wisata. Event ini telah terlaksana dengan lancar. Penyelenggara berhasil dalam mengangkat nilai kelokalan daerah dengan menyuguhkan atraksi budaya dan pameran ekraf khas Larantuka dan NTT.
  2. Nilai kelolakan Larantuka dan NTT diangkat dalam bentuk dekorasi panggung dan tenda pameran ekraf, serta rangkaian kegiatan yang melibatkan komunitas dan masyarakat lokal, serta para diaspora yang kembali ke kampung halaman mereka.
  3. Festival Bale Nagi memiliki potensi untuk menjadi event berskala nasional, karena pelaksanaannya yang berdekatan dengan event Semana Santa, yang ramai oleh para wisnus dan wisman. Hal ini perlu didukung dengan pengemasan event yang lebih baik, serta didorong oleh promosi yang lebih massif lagi, sehingga dapat menambah Length of Stay para pengunjung yang hadir dalam Semana Santa untuk lanjut menikmati Festival bale Nagi.
  4. Beberapa kegiatan Festival Bale Nagi berkaitan dengan tema pelestarian lingkungan. Namun hal ini tidak sejalan dengan kondisi di venue yang penuh dengan sampah. Oleh karena itu, penyelenggara perlu menambah strategi agar sampah-sampah dibuang pada tempat yang telah disediakan.
  5. Secara garis besar, event Festival Bale Nagi 2024 telah berjalan dengan baik. Namun perlu meningkatkan inovasi dalam rangkaian kegiatannya, serta pengemasan event yang lebih padat lagi untuk menjaga antusiasme pengunjung dari awal hingga akhir.
    ENGLISH TRANSLATION The 2024 Bale Nagi Festival was held on April 2nd to April 6th, 2024 at the Feliz Fernandez Park, Larantuka City, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province.   General Overview
  • The 2024 Bale Nagi Festival was born from the tradition of migrants returning home (bale nagi) from urban regions. It is held annually during the Semana Santa, a unique and is now global religious ritual. The festival has become a host for gathering for all residents of East Flores Regency, both Larantuka City natives and migrant ethnicities living in East Flores.
  • This year, Bale Nagi Festival was again chosen as one of the 110 Karisma Event Nusantara (KEN) events of 2024. The festival aims to introduce the bale nagi (coming home) tradition as a cultural phenomenon that has tourist attraction potentials.
  • The festival offers the following attractions: Creative Economy Exhibit, Cultural Carnival, Cultural Arts Performances, Seminar on Herman Fernandez, and other activities related to environment sustainability.
  Event Rundown đź”´ Day 1 (Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024) - Opening Ceremony The Opening Ceremony was attended by the following:
  1. Acting Regent of East Flores, Mr. Doris Alexander Rihi;
  2. Acting Regent of Lembata, Mr. Matheos Tan;
  3. Larantuka Bishop, Mgr. Fransiskus Kopong Kung;
  4. Head of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Provincial Office for Tourism and Creative Economy, Mr. Noldy Hosea Pellokila;
  5. Acting Head of East Flores Regency Office for Tourism and Culture, Mr. Servulus Demour;
  6. Heads of Departments of the East Flores Regency;
  7. Marketing Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority, Mrs. Raisa Lestari Niloperbowo.
  • Creative Economy Exhibit
The exhibit was joined by 100 creative economy professionals originating from East Flores and NTT Province.
  • Cultural Carnival
The carnival featured the Larantuka PGRI High School choir. p.s. PGRI stands for Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia, the Indonesian Teachers’ Association.
  • Welcoming address
  • Prayers
  • Opening speech by East Flores Regent, Mr. Doris Alexander Rihi, who remarked as follows:
    • The Semana Santa and the Bale Nagi Festival are East Flores’ proud achievements, because through these events the regent has thrived in its endeavour in preserving its local cultures and heritage.
    • The East Flores Regency Government shall continue her effort to fulfil the goal of a prosperous East Flores through organizing quality events such as the Semana Santa and Bale Nagi Festival.
    • I extend our appreciations to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MoTCE) and all partner stakeholders that have collaborated in organizing these events.
  • Opening address by Deputy to MoTCE for Tourism Products and Event Organizers, Mr. Vinsensius Jemadu; who remarked as follows:
    • Events that are chosen into KEN had gone through a strict selection and professional curation process, so we should be grateful that Bale Nagi Festival was selected into 2024 KEN, and we need to keep improving the event’s quality every year.
    • The NTT residents have proven to be very creative in organizing quality events, because this year there are 5 events from NTT that have been selected into KEN. These events will contribute positive impacts to creative economy professionals and thus start a domino effect for the people of NTT.
    • In addition to the event’s quality, let us not forget how these events would impact the environment. I extend my appreciation to the Bale Nagi Festival, because this event has involved a number of environmental protection activities, namely Tree Planting, Waste Creative Workshop, and the BISA Movement.
p.s. BISA stands for Bersih, Indah, Sehat, Aman; meaning Clean, Beautiful, Healthy, and Safe.  
  • Bale Nagi Festival Opening Procession
The opening procession was joined by invited guests, taking part in the Fire Ritual along with the Mudakeputu Indigenous Community and the Tree Ritual by the Waibao Tourist Village.  
  • Entertainments
    • Petrus Pedo Riberu singing the Bale Nagi hymn.
    • The Roja Mass Dance performed by the Larantuka 2nd State Middle School students.
    • The Wede Attraction performed by the Ringbaring Tourist Village.
    • The Tatong Musical Performance by the Kendang Ethnic Community.
    • The Tree Theatre: “Your Forest, My Forest, Our Forest” performed by the Suradewa Millennial Arts Workshop and the Rumah Rindu Pancamarga.
    • The Lebe and Dolo-dolo dance performances by residents of Adobala Tourist Village.
  đź”´ Day 2 (Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024)
  • Creative Economy exhibit
  • Clean and Green Nagi
Planting of East Flores endemic trees.
  • Seminar: The Hero Herman Fernandez
The late Herman Fernandez was an East Flores native who led the locals in joining Indonesia’s struggle for independence. The East Flores Regency Government is currently proposing him to receive the National Hero award. The seminar was held in the OMK Convention Hall, Larantuka.
  • “City Trees” painting contest
  • Cultural arts performances:
    • The Dolo music by Niwak Adonara Primary School.
    • The Lia Nama dance by the Nubun Tawa Beloaja
    • The Mogi song by the Mater Inviolata Middle School.
    • The Isidorus Band by the St. Isidorus Lewotala Middle School.
    • The Soka Selen dance by the Frateran Podor Medical High School.
    • The Ua dance by the Helanlangowuyo village residents.
  • The Herman Fernandez Theatre by the St. Fransiskus Asisi Medical High School.
  • Band performances
The Rhytm Black Pearls and the Burn On Band.   đź”´ Day 3 (Thursday, April 4th, 2024)
  • Creative Economy exhibit
  • Fun Snorkeling: gathering plastic wastes in the ocean, and coral reeves conservation
  • Waste Creative Workshop
  • Cultural attractions
Performances by Musik Ansambel, Rindu Bale, and the Pute Ture dance.
  • Talkshow: Urban Green Space
  • The Mahar Gading women theatre performance
  • Entertainments:
Performances by the Kasta Band, Paguyuban Rote, Sendratari Tina Le, and D’Chonyol Band.   đź”´ Day 4 (Friday, April 5th, 2024)
  • Creative Economy exhibit
  • Larantuka Colour Fun Run
  • Bonsai Workshop
  • The Kala Gare and Bale Nagi performances
  • Talkshow by the Komunitas Hijau (green community)
  • Entertainment and cultural attractions:
Performances by Indo Maumere Stand Up Comedy, Medley Lamaholot Song, the Nong Mari Nong dance, Siling dance, Lusi dance, Lamaholot women theatre “Weaving the Ivory-Dowried Life”, the Okulele Irama Ile Mandiri, the Tonu Wujo dance, Lenggang Lamaholot, the Skankin Band.   đź”´ Day 5 (Saturday, April 6th)
  • Creative Economy exhibit
  • The BISA movement
  • Duathlon
  • The ”Krealogi” Workshop
  • Entertainment and cultural attractions:
Performances by the Rapper Black Face, Kahe Keang dance, Tandak Namang dance, Knotted Weave (tenun ikat) Fashion Show, the Reinha Urban Fashion Show, The Bureaucrats Band, the Punjari Kreasi dance, HipHop Lembata Foundation.   Promotion Initiatives
  • Offline promotions
  • Stationing banners and billboards on a number of roads in Larantuka City and at ferry ports in East Nusa Tenggara Province.
  • Displaying promotional videos on the Videotron at the office of East Nusa Tenggara Provincial River, Lake, and Crossings Transportation, Ltd (ASDP).
  • Online promotions
  • Youtube Livestreaming of the 2024 Bale Nagi Festival 2024.
  • Facebook page of East Flores Regency Office for Tourism and Culture.
  • Instagram page of East Flores Regency Office for Tourism and Culture.
Link:     Conclusion and Evaluation
  1. The 2024 Bale Nagi Festival was organized by the East Flores Regency Government, through the Office for Tourism and Culture. This event aims to introduce the Bale Nagi (coming home) tradition that has tourist-attraction potentials. The event was completed successfully. The organizers have succeeded in highlighting local values by presenting cultural attractions and exhibiting creative economy products native to Larantuka and NTT.
  2. Larantuka and NTT local wisdom values were showcased in the form of stage decorations, the design of tents that housed the creative economy exhibits, as well as activities involving local communities and returning urban migrants.
  3. The Bale Nagi Festival has the potentials to become a national-scale event, because it’s always held in congruence with the Semana Santa event; which attracts domestic and foreign tourists in significant numbers. The Festival’s upgrading into the national scale needs to be supported with improved remodelling and pushed with more massive promotions, so in turn the event may succeed in extending tourists’ length of stay in the Semana Santa and visit the Festival.
  4. A number of activities in the Bale Nagi Festival were concerned with environmental protection. However, this was in contrast with the actual condition in the venue that was littered with wastes. Therefore, the organizers need to improve their approach to make sure visitors can dispose wastes in designated containers.
  5. Overall, the 2024 Bale Nagi Festival was quite successful. Nevertheless, there’s room for innovative improvement in its attractions, and a need to repackage the event to be more compact, so as to keep the visitors’ enthusiasm from beginning to end.
Vitria Narwastu

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