The 2nd UN Tourism Regional Conference on The Empowerment of Women in Tourism in Asia and The Pacific

Pelaksanaan Pendukungan The 2nd UN Tourism Regional Conference on The Empowerment of Women in Tourism in Asia and The Pacific yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2-4 Mei 2024 di BICC Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia.

Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif bersama Politeknik Pariwisata (Poltekpar)  Bali ini mengusung tema woman-led initiatives shaping the future of inclusive and sustainable tourism. Dengan demikian konferensi ini menjadi wadah untuk berdiskusi tentang peran dan kontribusi wanita dalam industri travel, menunjukan pengaruh mereka dalam mengembangkan keberlanjutan pertumbuhan sektor pariwisata.

Dalam dua hari konferensi, jumlah total peserta yang hadir mencapai 562 orang yang terdiri dari tamu VIP, International participants, domestic participants, speakers, media, dan committee.  Adapun Speakers dan panelists yang hadir berasar dari negara-negara Asia Pasifik seperti Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Samoa, China, Mongolia, Singapur, India, Australia, Jepang, Korea Selatan, Vietnam, Malaysia dan Maladewa.

Deputi Produk Wisata dan Penyelenggara Kegiatan (Events) melalui Direktorat MICE berperan dalam pendukungan Networking Dinner & Cultural Performaces.

Berikut rangkaian kegiatan UN Tourism:

A. Day 1 - Kamis, 2 Mei 2024

  1. Opening Ceremony. Pembukaan dilakukan secara simbolis dengan pemukulan gong
  2. Opening Remarks
    • Irjen Mahendra Jaya, Plt. Gubernur Bali
    • Maria Esperanza Christina Garcia Frasco Secretary of Department of Tourism Philippines, Chairperson of the UN Tourism Commission for East Asia and the Pacific
    • Harry Hwang, Director of the Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific, UN Tourism. Kesiapan Indonesia terutama Bali dalam penyelenggaraan pelaksanaan acara diapresiasi oleh berbagai pihak
    • Angela Tanoesoedibjo, Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia. Ibu Wakil Menteri Pariwisata mengisahkan sosok Raden Ajeng Kartini sebagai pahlawan wanita yang terkenal di Indonesia
  1. Women Ministers' Roundtable Discussion

Subtema: Women in Tourism Industry Leadership: Highlighting the achievements and acknowledging the challenges of women leaders in the tourism sector

Dengan pembicara:

  • Suanesavanh Vignaket, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Maria Esperanza Christina Garcia Frasco, Secretary of Department of Tourism, Philippines; Chairperson of the UN Tourism Commission for East Asia and the Pacific
  • Nabeela Farida Tunis, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affair of the Republic, Sierra Leone
  • Angela Tanoesoedibjo, Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia
  • Mariyam Nasheetha Nasheed, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Maldives
  1. Setting the Scene

Regional Overview of the Empowerment of Women in Tourism

  1. Panel Discussion 1

Sub Tema: Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism: Discussing Women's Roles in Promoting Sustainable Tourism

Dengan Pembicara:

  • Maria Helena De Senna Fernandes, Director, Macao Government Tourism Office, Macao, China
  • Bayasgalan Saranjav, Secretary-General, Mongolia National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mongolia
  • Janet DeNeefe, Founder and Director of Ubud Food Festival and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Indonesia
  • Nisha Abu Bakar, Co-founder, World Women Tourism, Singapore
  • Shivya Nath, Founder, Climate Conscious Travel, India
  1. Panel Discussion 2

Sub Tema: From the classroom to the boardroom: Examining how education and training impact women’s participation in the tourism sector

Dengan Pembicara:

  • Marcel Leijzer, Deputy Director, Technical Cooperation and Silk Road Department, UN Tourism
  • Catheryn Khoo, Professor of Tourism, Torrens University, Australia
  • Kumi Kato, Professor, Faculty of Tourism/Graduate School of Tourism, Wakayama University, Japan
  • Sonia Hong, Director, Museum Wave, Republic of Korea
  • Hang Le, Vice Provost, Duy Tan University, Vietnam
  • Lai Mun Yee, Lecturer at Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  1. Networking Dinner And Cultural Performaces

Sesi Networking Dinner dimulai pukul 18.30 WITA berlokasi di Nusantara Room BICC dengan dekorasi Penjor (ornamen bambu dan janur/daun palem/kelapa yang membentuk lengkungan) juga konsep round table.

Menu Dinner berkonsepkan Balinese BBQ Dinner yang disajikan berdasarkan tema daerah-daerah di Bali, yaitu:

  • From Benoa to Jimbaran dengan menu salada rumput laut, Lawar Kelungar, Cumi Sambal Ijo
  • Uluwatu Rock dengan menu seafood bisque with kumangi croutons, slipper lobster, mud crab braised
  • Sunset Road dengan menu beef rendang slider, prawn taco with sambal de gallo, watermelon and feta cheese crumbles with balsamic caviar
  • Canggu to Kerobokan dengan menu plant based ikan sate, vegan rendang pizza, wheat grass roast chicken
  • Tabanan to Badung to Ubud dengan menu ayam betutu, bebek goreng, kamping guling, nasi oran, casava leaf in tumeric curry
  • Gianyar to Karangasem dengan menu sate ayam, lamb, minced beef, minced fish disajikan dengan saus kacang lontong atau nasi
  • Buleleng dengan menu ares ayam, orak arik mi dan sayur
  • Dessert dengan menu tropical fruits, live banana fritter, es campur

Adapun susunan acara networking dinner adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Welcoming guests

Tamu disambut dengan pengalungan scarf oleh usher diiringi musik etnik rindik dan bale ganjur

  • Welcoming VIP guests

Tamu VIP disambut dengan Tarian  Joget Pong. Tamu di-escort dari lobi hotel menuju Nusantara Room dengan iringan Parade Bale Ganjur

  • Tarian Pembuka: Tarian Joget Pong
  • Sesi Sambutan
    • Sekretaris Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Sekretaris Utama Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani. Ibu Sesmen menyampaikan bahwa suasana Bali pada networking dinner ini ditampilkan untuk menunjukan bahwa Bali adalah destinasi yang mengedepankan tradisi dan budaya
    • Harry Hwang, The Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at the United Nations Tourism
  • Entertainment & Networking Dinner

Sesi hiburan diisi oleh seniman Bali: Janger Dance, Balawan dan Batuan Ethnic Fusion Band

  • Closing oleh MC

B. Day 2 - Jumat, 3 Mei 2024

  1. Panel Discussion 3

Subtema:  Safety and Accessibility: Addressing concerns related to safety and creating more accessible travel opportunities for women.

Dengan pembicara:

  • Christine Brew, Technical Coordinator, Regional Department for Asia & the Pacific, UN Tourism
  • Elaine Yang, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management at Griffith University, Australia
  • Neha Arora, Founder, Planet Abled, India
  • Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri, Lecturer Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Rashmi Chadha, Founder, Wovoyage, India
  • Seo-yoon Hong, Founder, Tourism for All, Republic of Korea
  1. Closing Ceremony
  • Kesimpulan dan rekomendasi oleh Dr. Prachi Thakur, Academic at Sunway University and Technical Coordinator of the Regional Conference on Women’s Empowerment in Tourism in Asia and the Pacific for UN Tourism
  • Remarks by Mr. Harry Hwang, Director of the Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific, UN Tourism
  • Closing remarks dari Bapak Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia
  1. Networking Lunch
  2. Green Action: Carbon Footprint Offsetting
  3. Day 3 - Sabtu, 4 Mei 2024

Interactive Culturan and Natural Tour


Implementation Report of The 2nd UN Tourism Regional Conference on The Empowerment of Women in Tourism in Asia and The Pacific

Date: May 2-4, 2024
Venue: BICC Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

This event, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in collaboration with the Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar), carried the theme "Woman-led Initiatives Shaping the Future of Inclusive and Sustainable Tourism." The conference served as a platform to discuss the roles and contributions of women in the travel industry, highlighting their impact on the sustainable growth of the tourism sector.

During the two-day conference, a total of 562 participants attended, including VIP guests, international and domestic participants, speakers, media, and committee members. Speakers and panelists came from various Asia-Pacific countries, including Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Samoa, China, Mongolia, Singapore, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Maldives.

The Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers, through the MICE Directorate, supported the Networking Dinner & Cultural Performances.

Agenda of UN Tourism:

Day 1 – Thursday, May 2, 2024

  1. Opening Ceremony:
  • Symbolic opening with a gong strike
  • Opening Remarks by:
    • Irjen Mahendra Jaya, Acting Governor of Bali
    • Maria Esperanza Christina Garcia Frasco, Secretary of the Department of Tourism Philippines and Chairperson of the UN Tourism Commission for East Asia and the Pacific
    • Harry Hwang, Director of the Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific, UN Tourism, praised Indonesia, especially Bali, for its readiness to host the event
    • Angela Tanoesoedibjo, Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia, spoke about Raden Ajeng Kartini, a famous Indonesian heroine
  1. Women Ministers’ Roundtable Discussion
  • Subtheme: Women in Tourism Industry Leadership: Highlighting achievements and acknowledging challenges of women leaders in the tourism sector
  • Speakers:
    • Suanesavanh Vignaket, Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism, Laos
    • Maria Esperanza Christina Garcia Frasco, Secretary of the Department of Tourism, Philippines
    • Nabeela Farida Tunis, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Sierra Leone
    • Angela Tanoesoedibjo, Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia
    • Mariyam Nasheetha Nasheed, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Maldives
  1. Setting the Scene: Regional Overview of the Empowerment of Women in Tourism
  2. Panel Discussion 1
  • Subtheme: Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism: Discussing Women’s Roles in Promoting Sustainable Tourism
  • Speakers:
    • Maria Helena De Senna Fernandes, Director, Macao Government Tourism Office, Macao, China
    • Bayasgalan Saranjav, Secretary-General, Mongolia National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mongolia
    • Janet DeNeefe, Founder and Director of Ubud Food Festival and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Indonesia
    • Nisha Abu Bakar, Co-founder, World Women Tourism, Singapore
    • Shivya Nath, Founder, Climate Conscious Travel, India
  1. Panel Discussion 2
  • Subtheme: From the Classroom to the Boardroom: Examining How Education and Training Impact Women’s Participation in the Tourism Sector
  • Speakers:
    • Marcel Leijzer, Deputy Director, Technical Cooperation and Silk Road Department, UN Tourism
    • Catheryn Khoo, Professor of Tourism, Torrens University, Australia
    • Kumi Kato, Professor, Faculty of Tourism/Graduate School of Tourism, Wakayama University, Japan
    • Sonia Hong, Director, Museum Wave, South Korea
    • Hang Le, Vice Provost, Duy Tan University, Vietnam
    • Lai Mun Yee, Lecturer at Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  1. Networking Dinner and Cultural Performances
  • Location: Nusantara Room, BICC, starting at 6:30 PM WITA, decorated with Penjor (bamboo and palm leaf arches) and round table setup.
  • Menu Theme: Balinese BBQ Dinner featuring regional dishes from various parts of Bali.
  • Event Order:
    • Welcoming guests with scarf garlanding by ushers, accompanied by ethnic music (rindik and bale ganjur)
    • VIP guests welcomed with Joget Pong dance and escorted by Bale Ganjur Parade
    • Opening Dance: Joget Pong
    • Welcome Speech by Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani, Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
    • Remarks by Harry Hwang, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, UN Tourism
    • Entertainment and Networking Dinner featuring Balinese artists: Janger Dance, Balawan, and Batuan Ethnic Fusion Band
    • Closing by MC

Day 2 – Friday, May 3, 2024

  1. Panel Discussion 3
  • Subtheme: Safety and Accessibility: Addressing Concerns Related to Safety and Creating More Accessible Travel Opportunities for Women
  • Speakers:
    • Christine Brew, Technical Coordinator, Regional Department for Asia & the Pacific, UN Tourism
    • Elaine Yang, Senior Lecturer, Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith University, Australia
    • Neha Arora, Founder, Planet Abled, India
    • Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri, Lecturer, Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Indonesia
    • Rashmi Chadha, Founder, Wovoyage, India
    • Seo-yoon Hong, Founder, Tourism for All, South Korea
  1. Closing Ceremony
  • Conclusion and recommendations by Dr. Prachi Thakur, Academic at Sunway University and Technical Coordinator of the Regional Conference on Women’s Empowerment in Tourism in Asia and the Pacific for UN Tourism
  • Remarks by Harry Hwang, Director of the Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific, UN Tourism
  • Closing remarks by Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia
  • Networking Lunch
  • Green Action: Carbon Footprint Offsetting

Day 3 – Saturday, May 4, 2024

  1. Interactive Cultural and Natural Tour
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