March 13, 2024

Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan 2024

Salah satu Karisma Event Nusantara (KEN) 2024 yaitu Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan yang telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 Maret 2024 di Taman Dang Anom, Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Berikut poin-poin yang dapat kami laporkan:   Gambaran Umum
  • Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan merupakan event tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Batam dalam rangka menyambut bulan Ramadhan, yang bertujuan memajukan UMKM kuliner dan ekraf serta menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata di Kota Batam.
  • Event ini diselenggarakan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan pada tanggal 9-30 Maret 2024 dan tersebar di 3 (tiga) lokasi yaitu Taman Dang Anom, Pollux Habibie, dan Taman Pacific, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau.
  • Rangkaian dari event ini antara lain bazaar kuliner dan ekraf, kesenian bernuansa islami, fashion show, kesenian melayu, community gathering, dan shalat tarawih berjamaah.
  Rangkaian Kegiatan Pembukaan Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan Lokasi: Taman Dang Anom, Batam   Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh:
  1. Deputi Bidang Produk Wisata dan Penyelenggara Kegiatan (Events) Kemenparekraf RI, Bapak Vinsensius Jemadu;
  2. Walikota Batam, Bapak Muhammad Rudi;
  3. Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Bapak Guntur Sakti;
  4. Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Batam, Bapak Ardiwinata;
  5. Sekretaris Lembaga Adat Melayu Kota Batam, Raja Amin.
  • Tarian Penyambutan Sekapur Sirih
  • Pembacaan Doa oleh Bapak Abdul Somad
  • Laporan kegiatan oleh Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Batam, Bapak Ardiwinata :

Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan sudah berlangsung selama 5 tahun dan pada tahun ini masuk dalam Karisma Event Nusantara (KEN) Kemenparekraf. Kegiatan ini melibatkan kurang lebih 160 pelaku UMKM kuliner dan ekraf yang tersebar di 3 lokasi Kota Batam selama bulan Ramadhan. Harapan dari kegiatan ini para pengunjung tidak hanya sekedar dapat menikmati sajian kuliner namun dapat menikmati keindahan Kota Batam.

  • Sambutan oleh Walikota Batam, Bapak H. Muhammad Rudi :

Terima kasih kepada Kemenparekraf RI atas apresiasi dan dukungannya kepada Kota Batam. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Batam adalah yang tertinggi di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Pembangunan infrastruktur terus digencarkan untuk semakin menyempurnakan branding Kota Batam sebagai kota wisata. Batam sudah membuka sejumlah penerbangan langsung internasional untuk memudahkan akses wisatawan.

  • Sambutan oleh Deputi Bidang Produk Wisata dan Penyelenggara Kegiatan (Events), Bapak Vinsensius Jemadu :

Apresiasi khusus disampaikan dari Menteri Parekraf atas masuknya 2 event dari Kota Batam dalam KEN 2024. Salah satu indikator suatu event masuk ke dalam KEN adalah kemampuan menarik minat wisata, sehingga berkontribusi kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi. Apresiasi kami untuk Kota Batam yang telah mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Dalam penyelenggraan suatu event wajib memberi dampak positif kepada masyarakat, yaitu dampak ekonomi, dampak sosial/budaya, serta dampak keberlanjutan lingkungan.

  • Prosesi Pembukaan dengan memasak laksa bersama, oleh Deputi Bidang PWPK, Walikota Batam, Kadispar Provinsi Kepri, Kadisbupar Kota Batam, dan perwakilan komunitas, dipandu oleh celebrity chef Usman, dan dilanjutkan foto bersama.
  • Kunjungan ke stand UMKM oleh Deputi Bidang PWPK dan Forkopimda Provinsi Kepri serta Kota Batam.
  • Hiburan musik oleh Malaykustik
  Kesimpulan dan Evaluasi Kegiatan
  1. Pembukaan Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan telah berlangsung dengan cukup sukses dan lancar.
  2. Event ini melibatkan kurang lebih 160 pelaku UMKM kuliner dan kriya yang tersebar di tiga lokasi sehingga dapat memberikan nuansa yang berbeda bagi para pengunjung dalam menikmati keindahan Kota Batam.
  3. Dalam hal aksesibilitas, lokasi penyelenggaraan mudah untuk dijangkau karena berada di pusat Kota Batam.
  4. Event ini masih berlangsung hingga tanggal 30 Maret 2024, dan rencananya akan dihadiri oleh Bapak Menteri Parekraf RI pada acara penutupan di tanggal tersebut.
  🔴 Hal-hal yang masih perlu diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan event ini antara lain:
  1. Tidak terlihatnya promosi event di sepanjang jalan Kota Batam dan di sekitar area venue pelaksanaan.
  2. Perlu adanya mitigasi apabila cuaca hujan karena venue yang dipilih menggunakan konsep terbuka.
  3. Visitor flow dan crowd control sudah baik, namun perlu diperhatikan pengelolaan sampah, di mana persebaran tempat pembuangan sampah di sekitar venue masih kurang, dan masih belum diterapkan pemisahan jenis sampah.
  ENGLISH TRANSLATION Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan is held from March 9th to 30th, 2024 in Batam City, Riau Islands Province. It is one of the events selected into the 2024 Karisma Event Nusantara(KEN).   General Overview
  • Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan (BWA) is an annual event organized by the Batam Municipal Office for Culture and Tourism in welcoming the month of Ramadhan; with the intention to foster Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in the culinary and creative economy sectors, and to become one of the leading tourist attractions in Batam City.
  • This event is held for the duration of Ramadhan, from March 9th to 30th, 2024 simultaneously on three different locations; the Dang Anom Park, Pollux Habibie, and the Pacific Park, Batam City, Riau Islands Province.
  • The event sequences comprise of culinary and creative economy bazaar, Islamic art performances, fashion show, Malay arts, community gathering, and the communal Tarawih prayer.
  Rundown of the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan Venue: Dang Anom Park, Batam The event was attended by the following:
  1. Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MoTCE) Mr. Vinsensius Jemadu;
  2. Mayor of Batam, Mr. H. Muhammad Rudi;
  3. Head of Riau Islands Provincial Office for Tourism, Mr. Guntur Sakti;
  4. Head of Batam Municipal Office for Culture and Tourism, Mr. Ardiwinata;
  5. Secretary of the Malay Indigenous Council for Batam City, Raja Amin.
  • “Sekapur Sirih” (betel leaves and powdered seashell) Dance: a Malay traditional welcome dance
  • Prayer presided by Ustadz Abdul Somad
  • Event Organizer’s Report by the Head of Batam Municipal Office for Culture and Tourism, Mr. Ardiwinata:
    • Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan has been held annually for 5 years, and this year this event has passed the selection into the MoTCE’s Karisma Event Nusantara (KEN) program.
    • This event involves approximately 160 MSME vendors from the culinary and creative economy sectors, stationed in three locations throughout Batam for the duration of the Ramadhan.
    • Our expectation from this event is for visitors to not only savor an assortment of culinary delights but to also bask in the beauty of Batam.
  • An address by the Mayor of Batam, Mr. H. Muhammad Rudi:
    • I extend our gratitude to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for his appreciation and ongoing support for Batam City.
    • Batam’s economic growth has been the highest in Riau Islands Province. We continue to accelerate infrastructure developments in order to perfect Batam’s brand as a tourist city.
    • Batam has opened international direct flights from a significant number of origin countries in order to further increase tourist visits.
  • An address by MoTCE’s Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers, Mr. Vinsensius Jemadu:
    • I extend a special appreciation from the Minister for two events from Batam that have been selected into KEN 2024.
    • One of the leading indicators for an event to be selected into KEN is its potential for attracting tourists, eventually contributing to economic growth. We greatly appreciate Batam City for having achieved the highest economic growth in Riau Islands Province.
    • It is imperative that an event contributes positive impacts on the population, in terms of the economy, socio-culture, and environmental sustainability.
  • Opening Procession by cooking Laksa (a local noodle dish), jointly-performed by the Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers, Mayor of Batam, Head of Riau Islands Provincial Office for Tourism, Head of Batam Municipal Office for Culture and Tourism, and community representatives, guided by celebrity chef Usman, and proceeded with a photo session.
  • Visits to MCME booths by the Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers, accompanied by officials from Kepri Islands Provincial Government and Batam Municipality.
  • Music performances by Malaykustik.
  Conclusion and Evaluation
  1. The Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Batam Wonderfood & Art Ramadhan has been executed with relative success and efficiency.
  2. This event involved approximately 160 culinary and craftmanship MSME vendors, stationed in three different locations, thus providing distinct nuances for visitors in different spots of Batam.
  3. In terms of accessibility, the venue for the Opening Ceremony was relatively easy to access due to its location in the city center.
  4. This event is still ongoing up to March 30th, 2024, for which the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy is scheduled to attend the Closing Ceremony on the aforementioned date.
  5. Rooms for improvement in the organization of this event are as follows:
    • No event promotion materials were sighted along the roads in Batam City, as well as in the vicinity of the event venues.
    • A mitigative strategy should have been in place to anticipate for weather change (i.e. raining), given the event’s concept was open outdoors.
    • Although visitor flow and crowd-control measures were adequate, waste management was substandard. Wastebins were not sufficiently dispersed around the venue, and waste segregation was not put in effect.
Vitria Narwastu

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